cut it out. ok the lakers lost. i admit that boston was the better team, the superior team, the scrappier team, the more mature team. but the problem with things like this is what you don't hear by the bandwagon jumping sports media:
- phil didn't get outcoached, he was always overrrated. nobody likes to say it, but mike/scottie, kobe/shaq, who couldn't have won 9 rings. but the thing is, this series showed his flaws. phil went zen when the lakers needed scrappy, hardwork an unerstanding of the urgency of the moment
- the lakers front office dropped the ball. how do you expect to win a championship with no player over 30. danny ainge did the right thing, get pj brown, get cassell to teach rondo. get players like posey who will do anything for the possesion
- paul pierce is now officially overrated. the bottom line is while the sports media annoints pierce the next mike...smh...he's not. he didn't outplay lebron or kobe. lebron and kobe faced triple teams from the best defense the nba has seen since the 1990 pistons. paul pierce was at best the second thought on los angeles's defensive mind. he busted radmanovich and walton one-on-one and through picks, that is hardly mike, kobe or lebronesque. don't get me wrong, he played very well and deserved the nba finals mvp. but don't get it twisted, without kg and ray the celtics are watching the finals on their couch. and throw paul pierce on this lakers team without kobe and the lakers are an 8th seed (at best).
- kevin garnett is underrated. kg one game 6 for them. the lakers made one good push early on that kg stopped by himself scoring 10 points in a row. he has been the ocnsistent player for boston all year. kg's screens allow paul the one-on-one matchups and ray the open 3s.
- kobe still has some maturing to do but played this one right. kobe had the right idea, team team team. kg, ray and paul are three perineal all-stars, you can't beat them alone, mike wouldn't have been able to do that. so in that respect he played his cards right, the lakers just weren't ready. however, he is still in some ways too in love with himself. he took jumpshots all series and the 1st quarters when he got hot were just fool's gold. his game is taking it to the rack and getting people in foul trouble. if he doesn't get to the line 10 times, the lakers can't win. and guess what...mike was the same way. how many real basketball fans remember mike consistently would have 20 points at half on 6 of 18 shooting. all the time! it's because he got to the line.
- pau gasol was overrated. the sportscasters don't like to say it because they jumped on his bandwagaon (like they always do). but you could see pau's weaknesses in the utah and denver series. he is not physical enough. his 12 foot jumper is unreliable. he gets flustered too easily. any defense worth it's weight in rice would have realized this. consequently, boston exploited it. pau got outplayed by perkins. PERKINS!
- lamar odom is not scottie pippen...yet. one of the things that basketball heads who don't really know basketball like to do is undervalue scottie. but scottie was one of the 50 greatest for a reason. he wouldn't have put the ball on the floor on a wide open 16 footer like the ones lamar had this series. he could at 6 foot 8 run the point effectively. he knew when mike was triple teamed what was expected of him, ultimately causing teams not to triple team mike (like they presently do to kobe and lebron). but lamar is young and he can get there. during the offseason he just needs to work on turning himself into a small forward. that means he needs to hit a consistent 20-footer, give his body when going to the rack and command the soldiers on the floor.
- lastly, the celtics were supposed to win! they had 3 all-stars, 2 of which were bonafide superstars. they had desperation on their side (kg, ray and paul are old and were ringless) and homecourt advantage from being in a far weaker conference. the lakers had kobe (the best palyer in the game/world) and that's it. we always knew lamar still had another year to relaly blossom. pau gasol is good but not even an all-star yet. calm down people. the lakers didn't play under expectations, they played over expectations. don't be fooled by the pundits who kept saying this would be a 'series-for-the-ages', that was aspirational not reality.
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