check out obama's first general election ad.
i must say, i am excited about this. he is finally doing in this ad what he has needed to do for a while now. the biggest thing about him being a post-racial candidate is that he can really work toward uniting people on economic lines. the jewish family who busts their hump to giver their kids opportunity is no different than the black family that does. the latino family that sacrifices vacations and lavish clothes so that they can send their daughter/son to a better high school is no different than the irish-catholic family who does the same thing.
this ad, much like tim russert's recent passing touches on a familiar vein in the american story. you have some at the bottom who cheat the system by not putting good-faith efforts for self-reliance in and live off of government handouts. and some at the top cheat the rest of the country with smoke-filled-room deals and white collar crimes that go unpunished. however, most of us are in the middle, hardworking people who are willing to make the necessary sacrifices for our ambitions. and that's what barack needs to touch on, that's what he has over mccain and that's what will make him win in november. it screams, "he's one of us" but not in that pretenious, xenophobic-motivated sort of way.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
calm down, they were supposed to win

cut it out. ok the lakers lost. i admit that boston was the better team, the superior team, the scrappier team, the more mature team. but the problem with things like this is what you don't hear by the bandwagon jumping sports media:
- phil didn't get outcoached, he was always overrrated. nobody likes to say it, but mike/scottie, kobe/shaq, who couldn't have won 9 rings. but the thing is, this series showed his flaws. phil went zen when the lakers needed scrappy, hardwork an unerstanding of the urgency of the moment
- the lakers front office dropped the ball. how do you expect to win a championship with no player over 30. danny ainge did the right thing, get pj brown, get cassell to teach rondo. get players like posey who will do anything for the possesion
- paul pierce is now officially overrated. the bottom line is while the sports media annoints pierce the next mike...smh...he's not. he didn't outplay lebron or kobe. lebron and kobe faced triple teams from the best defense the nba has seen since the 1990 pistons. paul pierce was at best the second thought on los angeles's defensive mind. he busted radmanovich and walton one-on-one and through picks, that is hardly mike, kobe or lebronesque. don't get me wrong, he played very well and deserved the nba finals mvp. but don't get it twisted, without kg and ray the celtics are watching the finals on their couch. and throw paul pierce on this lakers team without kobe and the lakers are an 8th seed (at best).
- kevin garnett is underrated. kg one game 6 for them. the lakers made one good push early on that kg stopped by himself scoring 10 points in a row. he has been the ocnsistent player for boston all year. kg's screens allow paul the one-on-one matchups and ray the open 3s.
- kobe still has some maturing to do but played this one right. kobe had the right idea, team team team. kg, ray and paul are three perineal all-stars, you can't beat them alone, mike wouldn't have been able to do that. so in that respect he played his cards right, the lakers just weren't ready. however, he is still in some ways too in love with himself. he took jumpshots all series and the 1st quarters when he got hot were just fool's gold. his game is taking it to the rack and getting people in foul trouble. if he doesn't get to the line 10 times, the lakers can't win. and guess what...mike was the same way. how many real basketball fans remember mike consistently would have 20 points at half on 6 of 18 shooting. all the time! it's because he got to the line.
- pau gasol was overrated. the sportscasters don't like to say it because they jumped on his bandwagaon (like they always do). but you could see pau's weaknesses in the utah and denver series. he is not physical enough. his 12 foot jumper is unreliable. he gets flustered too easily. any defense worth it's weight in rice would have realized this. consequently, boston exploited it. pau got outplayed by perkins. PERKINS!
- lamar odom is not scottie pippen...yet. one of the things that basketball heads who don't really know basketball like to do is undervalue scottie. but scottie was one of the 50 greatest for a reason. he wouldn't have put the ball on the floor on a wide open 16 footer like the ones lamar had this series. he could at 6 foot 8 run the point effectively. he knew when mike was triple teamed what was expected of him, ultimately causing teams not to triple team mike (like they presently do to kobe and lebron). but lamar is young and he can get there. during the offseason he just needs to work on turning himself into a small forward. that means he needs to hit a consistent 20-footer, give his body when going to the rack and command the soldiers on the floor.
- lastly, the celtics were supposed to win! they had 3 all-stars, 2 of which were bonafide superstars. they had desperation on their side (kg, ray and paul are old and were ringless) and homecourt advantage from being in a far weaker conference. the lakers had kobe (the best palyer in the game/world) and that's it. we always knew lamar still had another year to relaly blossom. pau gasol is good but not even an all-star yet. calm down people. the lakers didn't play under expectations, they played over expectations. don't be fooled by the pundits who kept saying this would be a 'series-for-the-ages', that was aspirational not reality.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Cuomo '82 "Of To We"
Check out Jon Stewart's hilarious gutting of the MSMs obsession with finding something where there is nothing regarding Obama:
If you remember, this started shortly after Hillary made accusations of media bias. At that point the media sought to find anything it could on Obama. The 'relationships' are often tangential and very, very exxagerated. Those 'relationships' were coupled with giving chain e-mails a respect they were never previosuily given.
I've compiled a list:
So, to the media: you don't need to spend 15 minutes on the 6 o'clock news telling me that Obama is not a Louis Farrakhan. I know that, anybody with a clear head knows that. And those of us that don't won't get the message from you, they need to get the message from and for themselves.
If you remember, this started shortly after Hillary made accusations of media bias. At that point the media sought to find anything it could on Obama. The 'relationships' are often tangential and very, very exxagerated. Those 'relationships' were coupled with giving chain e-mails a respect they were never previosuily given.
I've compiled a list:
- Jeremiah Wright- Obama's former pastor. Since when are state and U.S. senators held accountable for what their pastors say? Especailly since, like most things in their lives, their church affiliation is political and attendance highly irregular.
- William Ayers- a 1960s radical who Obama once served on a board with and knows in passing. LOL. So, Ayers is basically a U Chicago professor who is known well in political circles. And because Obama 'served on a board with him' (read: names appeared on the same program sheet) and 'knows him in passing' (read: most likely used him for political gain); because of this, Obama can't be trusted? LMAO.
- Obama in traditional Nigerian garb. Q: Have you seen Bush in the African garb...hillarious. But no one thinks Bush is importing conflict diamonds, b/c he wore a country's garb during a visit. SMH.
- Pastor Pfleger- a visiting pastor to Trinity Church who made controversial comments about Hillary Clinton. So, a pastor who visits a church that Obama used to attend said something and this is a reflection on exactly?
- Obama is a muslim. While, the MSM disputes these claims they do devote entire segments to answering the question. The saddest thing about this, is that somehow muslim has become synonymous with wrong, scary, terrorizing.
So, to the media: you don't need to spend 15 minutes on the 6 o'clock news telling me that Obama is not a Louis Farrakhan. I know that, anybody with a clear head knows that. And those of us that don't won't get the message from you, they need to get the message from and for themselves.
Monday, June 16, 2008
luke russert...
...on the today show today. he was incredibly composed, well spoken and gracious. i am truly inspired by the way he is dealing with such a loss.
all this coverage on tim russert reminds me of my father and grandfathers. much like mr. russert my dad and grandfathers came from working class homes. what spoke very much to me this weekend was the repeated mention of tim russert saying that he saw his father lead by example. it's kind of loss in today's hyper-communicative society (hyper-communcicative being a good thing). my dad is almost 66 and he has been working since he was 12. not a big talker, just pretty much goes to work and like silence when he can get it. a vietnam vet, but still largely a gentle guy who admist all his shortcomings just wants the people around him to have happiness and opportunity.
similarly, my grandfather was a wwII vet and a painter. he didn't have a lot of fancy things but worked hard to move his family from a small town in north carolina to new york city. he liked things that black/native american men weren't supposed to like--like golf. most strikingly, at his old age, when so many folks become mean he just became funnier and nicer. he would make fun of my cousin's lactose intolerance and rip the cheese off of her pizza. of course, he had his vices, cigarettes being his ultimate demise. but he defied so much of what and who he was supposed to be. he valued education even though he didn't have the opportunity to have a robust one.
so, to my dad, grandpa and tim russert and all dads around the world. happy father's day! and to all the folks reading, leave something about your dad on the comment board. we can all benefit.
all this coverage on tim russert reminds me of my father and grandfathers. much like mr. russert my dad and grandfathers came from working class homes. what spoke very much to me this weekend was the repeated mention of tim russert saying that he saw his father lead by example. it's kind of loss in today's hyper-communicative society (hyper-communcicative being a good thing). my dad is almost 66 and he has been working since he was 12. not a big talker, just pretty much goes to work and like silence when he can get it. a vietnam vet, but still largely a gentle guy who admist all his shortcomings just wants the people around him to have happiness and opportunity.
similarly, my grandfather was a wwII vet and a painter. he didn't have a lot of fancy things but worked hard to move his family from a small town in north carolina to new york city. he liked things that black/native american men weren't supposed to like--like golf. most strikingly, at his old age, when so many folks become mean he just became funnier and nicer. he would make fun of my cousin's lactose intolerance and rip the cheese off of her pizza. of course, he had his vices, cigarettes being his ultimate demise. but he defied so much of what and who he was supposed to be. he valued education even though he didn't have the opportunity to have a robust one.
so, to my dad, grandpa and tim russert and all dads around the world. happy father's day! and to all the folks reading, leave something about your dad on the comment board. we can all benefit.
hillary, katie and sexism
keith olbermann recently labeled katie couric as the worst person in the world. olbermann reacted to this:
once again, sexism as a major story. the problem with this discussion is that sexism is alleged or discredited as a zero-sum gain. the conversation does not address the nuances of both clinton's inept campaign and the media's institutional sexism.
have we forgotten:
still, hillary faced major sexism
remember, hillary wasn't 'our girl' until she saw it was in her political interest; somewhere around new hampshire. and that is the truest testament to her equality. as a female candidate she was able to be just as opportunistic and callous as all the male candidates who preceded her. ahhhh, equality! however, they nor her could weather the onslaught that was hope & change after Gov. Bush.
at the end of the day, it's a loss and victory for women. on one hand, this election cycle showed the endemic sexism of this country and the lack of outrage to it. on the other hand, hillary did break several ceilings, at least 18mm people don't care that she is a woman. lastly, women got the stronger candidate on 'women's issues' (as if all women's issues aren't human issues).
once again, sexism as a major story. the problem with this discussion is that sexism is alleged or discredited as a zero-sum gain. the conversation does not address the nuances of both clinton's inept campaign and the media's institutional sexism.
have we forgotten:
- mark penn thought california was winner-take all
- clinton's campaign didn't understand the intricacies of proportional delegates in TX
- no post-feb. 5 strat
- maybe there was no post-iowa strat
- bosnia and the sniper-fire-that-wasn't
- using SNL as the ultimate political punditry of the media (only to be clowned by SNL repeatedly afterward)
- multiple campaign slogans
- mixed messaging
- jesse jackson, rfk, caucus states not meaning much
- fox news giving a balanced shake? omg. yes, we need acronyms for that one.
still, hillary faced major sexism
- commentators saying she would 'castrate' male statesmen
- see chris matthews
- no really, see chris matthews
- the hillary nutcracker doll
- 'iron my shirt' and the lackthereof media coverage/outrage on it
- the 'she sounds like my ex-wife' crap
- scrutinizing her appearance on multiple occasions, fox news even speculating her cleavage decisions. wtf
- her having to play the strong leader card and not being to take on hope as a campaign message
- bill. clinton. no really, bill clinton
remember, hillary wasn't 'our girl' until she saw it was in her political interest; somewhere around new hampshire. and that is the truest testament to her equality. as a female candidate she was able to be just as opportunistic and callous as all the male candidates who preceded her. ahhhh, equality! however, they nor her could weather the onslaught that was hope & change after Gov. Bush.
at the end of the day, it's a loss and victory for women. on one hand, this election cycle showed the endemic sexism of this country and the lack of outrage to it. on the other hand, hillary did break several ceilings, at least 18mm people don't care that she is a woman. lastly, women got the stronger candidate on 'women's issues' (as if all women's issues aren't human issues).
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Moby on Clintons in PAPER

Moby offers his opinion in PAPER about the end of the Clintonian (yeah, real snobby) era. It's pretty good. My favorite line,
For years we heard the rumblings from the GOP that the Clintons were power hungry and entitled and would do anything to win, and that the public Clinton face was just a CNN-friendly Picture of Dorian Gray. And we dismissed the GOP rants as being the inbred ravings of the vast right-wing conspiracy. But now we're thinking that maybe the GOP was right about you (no pun intended).
Only thing is, he should have intended the pun!
eco 101
so cnn crunched obama and mccain's respective tax plans. they basically found that if you make under $2.9MM obama's plan saves you more. if you make over $2.9MM obama's plan costs you over $800K more than mccain's.
here is what they left out, folks making over $161K represent less than 5% of the country.
would there be a debate if this ratio (95 to 5) was represented in any other policy decision? it would seem that it is not in the economic interest of 95% of the country to vote for mccain. and that, is what hillary has been saying for the last 13 months, let's see if folks listen.

michelle is reduced to a "baby-mama"
if you think fox news was losing it with the "terrorist-fist jab" they have now deemed Michelle Obama, Barack's "baby-mama." do i really need to blog about the racist, nonsense in this? smh. well, at least some folks in the msm have picked up on it, and of course the niche blogs get the scoop.
this is getting our of hand.
this is getting our of hand.
i only sleep with democrats is something very new to the political landscape. i blogged about the colbert/stewart strategy of dealing with right-wing lunacy. this can just be seen as an extension of that. instead of addressing the policies of the fringe of the right-wing party, truthforaction makes fun of them. and they are smart for doing so. i mean really, how can you have an intellectual debate about whether or not some supreme divine being who only reveals himself to a few of us approves of two men doing the hippity dippity? the argument against is not grounded in reality, its' grounded in fear. how can you have an intellectual argument with someone about whether or not a human being should get medical treatment? again, the argument, not grounded in intellectual fortitude but minimizing financial burden (and there is barely an argument there).
i have always been an independent because i have always subscribed to the belief that there is never a right side in a two-sided argument. inevitably there is nuance that makes pieces of both arguments correct. and even those pieces that are incorrect (if you can call them that) are incorrect only because they are placed in the context of the times, not because they have no intellectual base. but, the republican party has been hijacked (kudos Arianna) by lunatics who think that xenophobia, discrimination and disbelief in scientific reality is the most effective way to govern. they are not statesmen, they are salesmen. this is why i agree with Arianna Huffington calling it the lunatic fringe. at the end of the day, republican values are built on fiscal solvency, individual responsibility and limited government. unfortunately, the republican party today surely does not represent fiscal responsibility (see: Iraq War, Gas Prices, etc...). they don't represent individual responsibility, they just pervert that value to many get the illegal immigrants outta here and let poor people pay higher taxes (relative to income) than the top 0.1% of the country. and limited government? puhhllleeeeeeze! big brother anyone (Orwell, not the tv show) so therefore, i drop my independence and proclaim, I WILL ONLY SLEEP WITH DEMOCRATS!
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
the merging of broadcast and digital

as the internet represents a larger portion of entertainment consumption broadcast has suffered. most notably, the news. the news is a non-loyal consumer business. meaning, people are pretty much willing to get their news from anywhere. there is nothing irreducibly special about one broadcast over another. the same content, for the most part, is presented, just by different folks. furthermore, the news is a utility for people, much more than a way to be entertained.
this has made the inroads for online news that much easier to cultivate. however, because online news is immediate an on-demand, the eyeballs are spread across the entire day as opposed to being concentrated on one hour. that makes the advertising relationship a lot different than broadcast. an as the advertisement relationship changes often does the business model for any for-profit, ad-based rev company.
breaking news has been the big enchilada in news for decades. kennedy/martin assassinations, berlin wall, clinton's statement on lewinsky all came over breaking news, "interrupting scheduled programming." therefore, there has been much debate over whether breaking news should be released on broadcast news sites or held until the 5pm/6pm broadcasts. for a while, that debate was business-based credible. now it's not, because of all the niche sites/blogs (tpm, politico, huffpo) and aggregators (drudge, google news) who will happily break the story before broadcast.
this diatribe on the news broadcast/digi relationship is only because i saw something real interesting today. msnbc, has a new nbc news/wsj poll on the obama/mccain showdown. they are holding it ot the broadcasts and 'teasing' on their site. really interesting. check it out, what'cha think?
respond to satire with satire
a few days ago, i told you about fox news insinuating that the barack/michelle fist-bump was a "terrorist fist-jab." as happens often here, my words were short. when something so incredulous and preposterous is suggested, a thoughtful, intelligent, grounded response is unnecessary. for that reason, i usually limit my thoughts to a few words. however, i forgot the Stewart/Colbert way of dealing with such silliness.
you see. a long time ago, colbert and to a lesser extent stewart realized that so much of what happens in the MSM is so preposterous that it is not worthy of a credible response. not only is dealing with the nonsense this way therapeutic, but it is also disarming to people who would otherwise entertain much of the MSMs insanity. the best part about it is that politicians cannot respond to colbert/stewart as right/left wing operatives because their delivery is completely satirical. maybe the only time in present-day media can we find some unadulterated truth. oh the comedy.
you see. a long time ago, colbert and to a lesser extent stewart realized that so much of what happens in the MSM is so preposterous that it is not worthy of a credible response. not only is dealing with the nonsense this way therapeutic, but it is also disarming to people who would otherwise entertain much of the MSMs insanity. the best part about it is that politicians cannot respond to colbert/stewart as right/left wing operatives because their delivery is completely satirical. maybe the only time in present-day media can we find some unadulterated truth. oh the comedy.
Monday, June 9, 2008
Friday, June 6, 2008
in honor of the 3G iPhone
it holds over 150 kabillion contacts...
..iGenie, you rub it and it grants you three iWishes. iPhone anthing you will ever need. How much battery life does it have? 20 minutes.
..iGenie, you rub it and it grants you three iWishes. iPhone anthing you will ever need. How much battery life does it have? 20 minutes.
J.K. Rowling at Harvard's commencement...
"Talent and intelligence never yet inoculated anyone against the caprice of the Fates, and I do not for a moment suppose that everyone here has enjoyed an existence of unruffled privilege and contentment.
"Imagination is not only the uniquely human capacity to envision that which is not, and therefore the fount of all invention and innovation. In its arguably most transformative and revelatory capacity, it is the power that enables us to empathise with humans whose experiences we have never shared."
"Talent and intelligence never yet inoculated anyone against the caprice of the Fates, and I do not for a moment suppose that everyone here has enjoyed an existence of unruffled privilege and contentment.
However, the fact that you are graduating from Harvard suggests that you are not very well-acquainted with failure. You might be driven by a fear of failure quite as much as a desire for success. Indeed, your conception of failure might not be too far from the average person’s idea of success, so high have you already flown academically.
Ultimately, we all have to decide for ourselves what constitutes failure, but the world is quite eager to give you a set of criteria if you let it."...
"Imagination is not only the uniquely human capacity to envision that which is not, and therefore the fount of all invention and innovation. In its arguably most transformative and revelatory capacity, it is the power that enables us to empathise with humans whose experiences we have never shared."
we have officially found a thursday spin class. last night was amazing. the instructor graduated west point and she played the best music. so, got me to the thinking, what do you need for a good spin class:
-instructor who is engaged we had one lady who just watched us for the 45 mins.
-music that is timed with the class music often serves as that drug that keeps you going around minute 35
-instructor who pushes you if the instructor slacks, i end up slacking
- a good heart rate monitor there is nothing like knowing exactly who hard your heart is exerting itself and how many cals you have burned
-instructor who is engaged we had one lady who just watched us for the 45 mins.
-music that is timed with the class music often serves as that drug that keeps you going around minute 35
-instructor who pushes you if the instructor slacks, i end up slacking
- a good heart rate monitor there is nothing like knowing exactly who hard your heart is exerting itself and how many cals you have burned
you don't say?
a congressman has suggested that the clinton campaign purposely engaged in racially divisive campaign tactics...
get outta here!
as if!
get outta here!
as if!
Thursday, June 5, 2008
victory speeches
thought it would be cool to remember some of the greatest victory speeches...
rfk in california...
jfk inaugural address..."we observed today not a victory of party, but a celebration of freedom"...
"together let us explore the stars, eradicate the deserts, tap the ocean seas"...
rfk in california...
jfk inaugural address..."we observed today not a victory of party, but a celebration of freedom"...
"together let us explore the stars, eradicate the deserts, tap the ocean seas"...
rfk assasination, 40yo today
rfk's famous indianapolis speech...
morning joe had a good piece on bobby kennedy...
ted kennedy's eulogy on bobby...
great man. great legacy. some people, you are just happy enough that they lived. bobby kennedy seemed to be one of those people.
morning joe had a good piece on bobby kennedy...
ted kennedy's eulogy on bobby...
great man. great legacy. some people, you are just happy enough that they lived. bobby kennedy seemed to be one of those people.
reminds me of a Nikki G. poem
reminds me of a Nikki Giovanni poem...
childhood rememberances are always a drag
if you're Black
you always remember things like living in Woodlawn
with no inside toilet
and if you become famous or something
they never talk about how happy you were to have
your mother
all to yourself and
how good the water felt when you got your bath
from one of those
big tubs that folk in chicago barbeque in
and somehow when you talk about home
it never gets across how much you
understood their feelings
as the whole family attended meetings about Hollydale
and even though you remember
your biographers never understand
your father's pain as he sells his stock
and another dream goes
And though your're poor it isn't poverty that
concerns you
and though they fought a lot
it isn't your father's drinking that makes any difference
but only that everybody is together and you
and your sister have happy birthdays and very good
and I really hope no white person everhas cause
to write about me
because they never understand
Black love is Black wealth and they'll
probably talk about my hard childhood
and never understand that
all the while I was quite happy
only thing I would change here is take the 'white person' out and just replace it with 'person.' other than that...go nikki go
Jon Stewart
Jon Stewart, being Jon Stewart...
"You have until 10 Senator McCain and then the mathletes have the auditorium!"
"You have until 10 Senator McCain and then the mathletes have the auditorium!"
Good Morning
i slept 2 hours last night. my breakfast sandwich guy has been replaced. the cabby that drove me to work got all of his money snatched from him in the middle of our ride. i have 116 e-mails in my work inbox. 1 e-mail in my personal inbox, it's a diet program i signed up for two-months ago but never followed through on. at this point, all it does is remind me of how fat I am. Good morning.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
how low can you go?
you see what just happened. this is the 'brilliance' of o'reilly:
1. the first woman, in the purple shirt gets her agenda across about sexism and coincidentally uses NBC as an example. yeah, that nbc. in case you have forgotten how much o'reilly loves nbc...
2. woman, #2, the woman in the grey suit, rails against the black constituency being overrepresented in media reports. need i remind anyone of o'reilly's affection toward the black community...
3. bill's party is the ultimate benefactor. it all comes full circle. so bill of course gets them to 'admit' they will vote for mccain. didn't see that one coming.
in the end, bill gets to say all the things he wants to say through two hillary supports. smh. being used they are, if they can't see that, i'm baffled.
final word. to speak of the bottom line here, their arguments are baseless. millions of voters were not disenfranchised, they were penalized. obama has not run a sexist campaign. voting hillary in is not devaluing women, it's saying that folks don't want hillary. it's amazing the depths people will go to, to satisfy their personal agenda.
so obama has the nom. as a political junkie, it's always interesting to see the different headlines. check them out...
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
best of primary season
best of...
best so-you-want-to-lead-my-country? Huckabee didn't major in math...
...he majored in idiodicy
best person-i-really-wish-would-shutup Wright didn't major in loyalty...
...he majored in pomposity
best asset-that-wasn't Bill Clinton didn't major in analogies...
best can-we-do-a-takeback? McCain didn't major at all...
best viral-video
best speech ever
best comeback
best so-you-want-to-lead-my-country? Huckabee didn't major in math...
...he majored in idiodicy
best person-i-really-wish-would-shutup Wright didn't major in loyalty...
...he majored in pomposity
best asset-that-wasn't Bill Clinton didn't major in analogies...
best can-we-do-a-takeback? McCain didn't major at all...
best viral-video
best speech ever
best comeback
obama on the hill with hill

I have to admit, I understand the women voting for Hillary thing. I get that this is something so many great women thought they would never see. I can only imagine the grandmothers who have lived through global misogyny for decades, only to see the proverbial glass ceiling possibly shattered. I get it. But, shouldn't that initial feeling only guide you so far? At some point, shouldn't you examine who she really is. After examination, how can you not conclude she is just another politician, only she is a she and not a he. Outside of gender, how is she different? I have under good authority that Barack is tougher on a number of 'women's issues' (as if there is such a thing, they are ultimately human issues) including sex trafficking and abortion rights. Speaking of abortion rights, that brings me to the democratic women voting for McCain in the Fall. If you are against abortion, I understand. If not, if you are pro-choice, why would you vote for the prez candidate who would certainly overturn Roe v. Wade? Is vindiction so callous that you would cut your nose to spite your face? It makes no sense. My understanding of equality was that its' ultimate goal was freedom. Freedom to choose whomever you want, man or woman. So, why is it that women are so willing to caste aside that freedom which they have worked so ardently for and go with Hillary just because she is she. Aren't you just taking away the rights you just fought for? Unless of course, women are the new lobbying group. If that's the case. I'd like to know that. I mean, don't get me wrong--identity politics ar at work here. Blacks are voting for Obama 90/10. An before women and blacks were brought into the process it was Bush "the-guy-you -could-drink-a-beer-with" and other silly things that had no bearing on how effective a leader would be. What I am glad for is to see that black support for Obama was earned. Black voters were after all, for Hillary by 30 points pre-Iowa. But, I mean, if Hillary supporters were voting for Hillary because of her policies, how can so many of them now support McCain? Tlak about apples and oranges. That leads me to believe they were voting for Hillary because she was she. Not policy-based. If it was policy-based, you couldn't even conjure the words in your mouth to say McCain and Presidential Elect in the same sentence. Come on now. Even with all of the Clinton campaign's outright race-baiting, I said if she were the dem nom I was voting for her. Not happily, but I'm no fool. Even Hillary said that Democrats not voting for the Dem nom would be political suicide.
I think Hillary is brilliant. However, I also think she was hijacked by an inept campaign staff and blabbering hubby. I think, that if Hillary was allowed to run the type of campaign Obama was (and didn't have the past associations) you would be seeing a different outcome today. I remember a speech she gave, post-Pennsylvania--almost bought me to tears. I wish I saw more of her this political season, but alas, I didn't. Couple that with the Freshamn senator from Illinois being a political wunderkind and outright diaper-dandy and its no suprise--this outcome.
Hillary played politics in the year that her opponent played humanity. She was playing checkers, he was playign chess. That's not her fault. After all, the first viable female candidate couldn't ahve run under the banner of Hope she would have been seen as a weak woman and not a visionary. You see what they have done to Obama, imagine what they would have done to Hillary. The irony here is endless.
Ultimately, I don't think Obama should take Hillary, the politician, as his VP. Hillary the Yale law grad, champion for children and brain behind the first 8-year Clinton run--sure--take her. But the thing is, you can't get the latter without the former and that is just a damn shame.
Clinton wants to be VP

Adoption of Old Listening Habits

This iPod, mp3esque, take-the-train-to-work lifestyle is not conducive to discovering new tunes. So, help me out. Here are some of the newest songs I am digging:
Viva La Vida- Coldplay
Over My Head- The Fray
and the albums in heavy rotation:
We Sing. We Dance. We Steal Things.- Jason Mraz
Sam's Town- The Killers
The Sun is Always Brighter- Joshua James
ACTU Soundtrack
All the Lost Souls- James Blunt
What have you been listening to? (especially if it's Jazz, I have never listened hard but am very interested)
Friday, May 30, 2008
it's about equality

san fran and cali have ok'ed gay marriage. now ny is going to recognize gay marriages origniating in other states. this is awesome! i understand the opposition to gay marriage--its the lunacy that drives most decisions in this country. it's religion, social hierarchy and other silly things that have zero to do with two people loving eachother. my personal favorite explanation is, "it's not natural." lmfao. well, here is what nature tells us:
-most higher-order primates engage in homosexual sex. most also are not monogomous or pair-bonded
-recent genetic studies found that switiching genes that code the brain for sexual orientation will flip the sexual orientation of the worm
so, the nature argument is dispelled. there are a sleu of arguments, but the reality is xenophobia. we fear what is different than us. bottom line. but, that is no excuse for denying two people who love eachother the same legal and status-based privileges that we all are afforded. and while my community may be one of the main communities holding gay marriage back, i refuse to partake. their rights are my rights. as henrich heine once said, "where they start by burning books, they'll end by burning people." meaning gay marriage is not a threat to the state and is in no way universally immoral. the immorality is only the subjective views of a sector of people influenced by their own xenophobia. that is hardly reason to trample on a whole group of people's rights!
i have recently hit a road-block in my 10-year plan. it's been hard trying to embody the angst i feel. then, i remembered marty mcconnell!
it's often said that wise men learn from other men's mistakes. in that vein, it's hard to abandon my dreams, but at the same time my intellect reminds me daily how unrealisitc they are. i can't say it as elegantly as mcconnell, "we are a generation of screamers, silenced by this consipracy of comfort that cradles us voiceless in our PC cities." church!
it's often said that wise men learn from other men's mistakes. in that vein, it's hard to abandon my dreams, but at the same time my intellect reminds me daily how unrealisitc they are. i can't say it as elegantly as mcconnell, "we are a generation of screamers, silenced by this consipracy of comfort that cradles us voiceless in our PC cities." church!
dunkin donuts...worst person in the world
i completely agree with olbermann (as usual). lmao @ "jihadist chic." that's hilarious.
i know i won't be buying any DD anytime soon. check it out:
i know i won't be buying any DD anytime soon. check it out:
Thursday, May 29, 2008
it is a title
yes. this is a proper title. why? because of the blog squatters, who took all of the clever, all-world-knowledge-encompassing names; like, life is hard, found my wings, blah blah blah...
what the hell is the point of that anyway. you are squatting on blogspot urls? that's tacky. internet tacky. at least go to godaddy and pay the 10 bucks and squat on something that might actually get some decent traffic. no. you squat on blogspot. smh. geniuses. as if google couldn't remove all of you if they really wanted to. it's really the embodiment of who we have beome as a species. it's not good enough for just some of us to be leeches looking for the come-up. all of us have to be now. at this point i am just rambling...
what the hell is the point of that anyway. you are squatting on blogspot urls? that's tacky. internet tacky. at least go to godaddy and pay the 10 bucks and squat on something that might actually get some decent traffic. no. you squat on blogspot. smh. geniuses. as if google couldn't remove all of you if they really wanted to. it's really the embodiment of who we have beome as a species. it's not good enough for just some of us to be leeches looking for the come-up. all of us have to be now. at this point i am just rambling...
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