Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Cuomo '82 "Of To We"

Check out Jon Stewart's hilarious gutting of the MSMs obsession with finding something where there is nothing regarding Obama:

If you remember, this started shortly after Hillary made accusations of media bias. At that point the media sought to find anything it could on Obama. The 'relationships' are often tangential and very, very exxagerated. Those 'relationships' were coupled with giving chain e-mails a respect they were never previosuily given.

I've compiled a list:
  • Jeremiah Wright- Obama's former pastor. Since when are state and U.S. senators held accountable for what their pastors say? Especailly since, like most things in their lives, their church affiliation is political and attendance highly irregular.
  • William Ayers- a 1960s radical who Obama once served on a board with and knows in passing. LOL. So, Ayers is basically a U Chicago professor who is known well in political circles. And because Obama 'served on a board with him' (read: names appeared on the same program sheet) and 'knows him in passing' (read: most likely used him for political gain); because of this, Obama can't be trusted? LMAO.
  • Obama in traditional Nigerian garb. Q: Have you seen Bush in the African garb...hillarious. But no one thinks Bush is importing conflict diamonds, b/c he wore a country's garb during a visit. SMH.
  • Pastor Pfleger- a visiting pastor to Trinity Church who made controversial comments about Hillary Clinton. So, a pastor who visits a church that Obama used to attend said something and this is a reflection on Obama....how exactly?
  • Obama is a muslim. While, the MSM disputes these claims they do devote entire segments to answering the question. The saddest thing about this, is that somehow muslim has become synonymous with wrong, scary, terrorizing.
The bottom line here is that the media should not even acknowledge these claims. Especially with niche blogs to dispute the obvious absurdities, the dispution is unwarranted. Anybody who believes that a U.S. Sentator (only 100 in the most powerful country in the world) could become a U.S. Senator with any of these allegations being true is insane. What it does amount to is xenophobia and the media's obsession with proving it warranted or unwarranted. The thing with xenophobia is though, its gonna be there regardless. It doesn't come from being the Sherlock Holmes who discovered a tangential, weak relationship between a unsavory character and a U.S. Senator. Xenophobia doesn't come from there. It comes from a much simpler place--within. It comes from your mom and dad not teaching you that your problems are your doing and are not the fault of poor people with a different skin tone, accent, gender or national affiliation. It doesn't even come from organized groups like the KKK. Those groups only allow you a place to express your lunacy. It comes from thinking you can only find brotherhood/sisterhood through exclusion and not through honest, wholehearted, interdependent relationships.

So, to the media: you don't need to spend 15 minutes on the 6 o'clock news telling me that Obama is not a Louis Farrakhan. I know that, anybody with a clear head knows that. And those of us that don't won't get the message from you, they need to get the message from and for themselves.


sally said...

LMFAO holy crap, I'm cracking up at work!

Anonymous said...

that made me laugh last night and even more today...how true it is....