Friday, May 30, 2008


i have recently hit a road-block in my 10-year plan. it's been hard trying to embody the angst i feel. then, i remembered marty mcconnell!

it's often said that wise men learn from other men's mistakes. in that vein, it's hard to abandon my dreams, but at the same time my intellect reminds me daily how unrealisitc they are. i can't say it as elegantly as mcconnell, "we are a generation of screamers, silenced by this consipracy of comfort that cradles us voiceless in our PC cities." church!



sally said...

I think the problem is looking at the 10-year plan as some fixed road you have to stay on. It should be more like a highway where you can get off one exit, explore a bit, and get back on, or just keep driving til you get somewhere. But maybe that's just me. =/

P.S. Marty McConnell is awesome

sally said...

p.s. Marty McConnell's bad-ass. I love her.